Contact the Ferme de La Ruchotte restaurant near Beaune, France


Feel free to contact us by phone +33 3 80 20 04 79 or email . Or follow us on social media . If you’d like to make a reservation, please use the following link !

Our adresse :
La ferme de la Ruchotte
La Ruchotte - 21360 Bligny-sur-Ouche

Contact La Ferme de La Ruchotte® restaurant in Bligny sur Ouche by filling out the required information below.

Discover the La Ruchotte carving knife


* obligatoire

Deep dive
Heritage Chicken Breeds
20 years of know-how!

La Ferme de la Ruchotte is pleased to announce the launch of the reservation of its first cutting knife. A knife designed and studied based on more than 20 years of cooking expertise, exceptional grip and flawless sharpness. Frédéric Ménager has put all his know-how into the development of this kitchen “instrument” like no other. Many steps were necessary to achieve a result that fully met Frédéric Ménager’s expectations!

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Heritage Chicken Breeds